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Faculty-Led Program Proposal

Per the CSU Policy on Exchange Programs and Campus Activities Abroad, faculty-led programs are required to go through an on-campus development process that incorporates all appropriate administrative and academic reviews.  This Faculty-Led Program Proposal application is the first step to completing the required program review.  CSUN has determined that all faculty-led programs must undergo this review for term the program is being offered, regardless of prior approvals.



If you have arrangement(s) with institution(s) abroad and/or third-party vendor(s) to assist with any logistics for the trip, you must have active agreement(s) between CSUN and the institution/vendor in place prior to completing your program proposal. 
To begin the agreement approval process: Contact the Office of Senior International Officer at You will need to upload a signed and executed agreement(s) in your program proposal.



Before completing your program proposal, please gather the following information:

  1. Check the U.S. State Department website AND CSURMA High Hazardous-War List for city/state/country(ies) you will be visiting, including side trips.  

  2. Program information (e.g. program name, start and end dates)

  3. Draft travel itinerary

  4. Educational purpose of the trip

  5. Course syllabus, if applicable

  6. Signed service agreement, if applicable